Axalta pushes the boundaries of colour at the London Festival of Architecture, with sensory experience designed to ignite visitors’ imagination

Official Press Release

Basel, Switzerland – 29 May 2019 – Axalta (NYSE: AXTA), a leading manufacturer of powder and liquid coatings have just opened a new Colour Experience Room in London where architects and designers can explore their extensive range of powder coatings for metallic substrates.

As part of the London Festival of Architecture 2019, Axalta is celebrating the launch by hosting a sensory experience at The Building Centre on Thursday 13th June.
Having presented Colour Experience Rooms in France, Belgium and Poland in the past, Axalta has decided to bring a showroom to London this year as it’s a creative capital and a well-recognised design hub.

The sensory experience will showcase Axalta’s vast powder coatings colour palette, whilst also testing the boundaries of the five senses. Visitors will be invited to the Colour Experience Room to identify colour, one sense at a time, to experience just how the senses can elicit an emotion and how colour is a key component in that choice.

Berlin-based Designer and Art Director, Ramin Nasibov, will be offering Axalta-filtered headshots of guests during two sessions on the day, alongside other sensory experiences.


“Colour has no boundaries – indeed it has the capacity to take you to new and exciting places by capturing your senses and igniting your imagination.” commented Dami Babalola, Architecture Colour Expert and curator of the workshop. “Our sensory experience will show you just how colour can stimulate every one of your senses - taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing.”

Editors and journalists are invited to an exclusive workshop from 11am to 12 midday, with public events being held at 1pm-2pm and again 6pm-7pm. As space is tight, places are limited so visitors are invited to register their attendance by emailing

The wide colour palette of Axalta’s powder coatings have been specifically designed for the architectural field and are well-recognised for their high-tech product quality and extensive range of textures, gloss grades and effects, and this will be brought to life in the showroom.

For more information about Axalta Coating Systems and all parties involved, please visit: @axaltapowdercoatingsemea, @raminnasibov, @londonfestivalofarchitecture