CCI Powder
Corroless™ CCI Powder is a finely divided solid which gradually volatilises, producing a vapour which protects steel and other metals from corrosion. It is primarily intended for use in the offshore industry where plant is temporarily taken out of service and requires anticorrosive protection during downtime. Corroless™ CCI Power can be blown into pipework, void spaces, box sections and similar, where normal anticorrosive protection would be impossible. It can be discharged into the marine environment (subject to normal legislative restrictions) and it has been accepted onto the ‘List for Approved Products suitable for use by the North Sea Oil and Gas Industry’ and is OCNS registered.
CCI Powder Technical Datasheet
(PDF 277.8 kB)
For Safety Data Sheet contact:
Key features
- VCI corrosion inhibitor (white powder)
- On ‘The Approved Product List’ for North Sea Oil and Gas
- OCNS Registered
- Can be blown into otherwise inaccessible areas