CCI 355 Technical Datasheet
(PDF 159.6 kB)
CCI 355
Corroless™ CCI 355 is an extreme pressure lithium grease, containing vapour phase corrosion inhibitor (VCI). It can be applied directly to surfaces requiring continuous lubrication, and in areas subject to heavy or shock loading such as chains, wire ropes, bearings, conveyors, spindles and open gearing. It can be used for equipment in operation or in storage and can provide up to 3 years protection in aggressive environments. It contains molybdenum disulphide for improved load carrying properties and is highly resistant to water and steam. Corroless™ CCI 355 can be effective even when moisture, oil and rust are already present.
Key features
- A Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) extreme pressure, lithium grease
- Effective when moisture, rust is already present
- Up to 3 years protection in aggressive environments