CCI 300M Technical Datasheet
(PDF 337.1 kB)
CCI 300M
Corroless™ CCI 300M is a vapour phase corrosion inhibitor (VCI) for adding to lubricating and hydraulic oils. Typical uses include the internal protection of compressors, engines, generators, hydraulic and lube oil systems. The VCI can protect metal areas where the oil has drained away, so that all interior components can be protected. Corroless™ CCI 300M is compatible with all mineral, and most synthetic, oils (but not transformer oils or glycol-based lubricants). It can provide anticorrosive protection to a variety of metals for up to 2 years.
Key features
- A Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) for adding to oils
- Protects areas where the oil has drained away
- Up to 2 years protection